
Hikmatullo Urazbayev



ICT for English teachers
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A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.



Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.


The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!



Betty Better bought some butter. «But,» she said, «this butter's bitter.If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.»So she bought a bit of better butter and made her bitter batter better.



One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.



Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.



There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure.



The fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in; now they're fishing the fissure for Fischer.



A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, «Let us fly!» Said the fly, «Let us flee!» So they flew through a flaw in the flue.



Great gray goats



Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie managerimagining managing an imaginary menagerie?



What noise annoys an oyster most?A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.



Clowns grow glowing crowns.



Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?

Scenario of a Game on Theme "Clothes and Seasons"

ICT for English teachers
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Ўйин мақсади:

Йил фасллари номларини, буйруқ гапларни, put on феълини машқ қилиш ва “Кийимлар” мавзусига оид сўзларни мустаҳкамлаш.

Ўйиннинг бориши:

Ўқитувчи исталган фасл номини айтади, масалан: It’s summer now. Об-ҳавони таърифлаш учун “Йил фасллари” ўйинидаги сифатлардан фойдаланиш мақсадга мувофиқ бўлади. Болалар жуфт бўлиб, қуйидаги диалогни бошқа ўқувчилар тинглаб туришади:

Ўқувчи 1: (она ёки ота ролини ижро этади): Dear daughter/son! Look out of the window. It’s hot and bright today. Don’t put on your tights, jumper and boots/ Put on your shorts, T-short and sandals!

Ўқувчи 2: OK, Mummy (Daddy). Don’t worry. I will do it. I’m a good girl/boy.

Сўнг ўқитувчи фаслни ўзгартиради ва ўйин давом этади.

Диалогларнинг тахминий вариантлари:

Вариант 2

Ўқитувчи: It’s autumn now.

Ўқувчи1: Dear son, look out of the window! It’s cool and rainy today. Don’t put on your shorts, T-shirt and shoes. Put on your jeans, jumper and boots.

Ўқувчи 2: OK, Daddy/Mummy. Don’t worry. I will do it. I’m a good boy.


Ўқитувчи: It’s winter now.

Ўқувчи1: Dear daughter, look out of the window. It’s cold and snowy today. Don’t put on your jeans, jumper and trainers.

Put on your warm trousers, sweater, warm boots, a hat and a scarf,

Ўқувчи 2: OK, Daddy. Don’t worry. I will do it. I’m a good girl.

Вариант 4

Ўқитувчи: It’s spring now.

Ўқувчи1: Dear son, look out of the window. It’s warm and sunny today. Don’t put on your warm boots, trousers and a hat. Put on your jacket, jeans and trainers.

Ўқувчи 2: OK, Daddy. Don’t worry. I will do it. I’m a good boy.

Ажратилган вақт: тақдимот билан ўйин 10 дақиқа давом этиши мумкин, лекин кейинчалик болалар диалог тузилишини эслаб қолишганларидан сўнг ва фақатгина кийим танлашни ўйлаб қола бошлаганларида ўйин 5 дақиқагача қисқариши мумкин.


Scenario of an Activity "TAKING A GROUP PHOTOGRAPH"

ICT for English teachers
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Инглиз тилида кўрсатма беришни машқ қилиш. Буйруқ гапларни мустаҳкамлаш.


Керакли жиҳозлар


Икки гуруҳ учун мўлжалланган фото суръат карточкалар.


Ўйиннинг бориши


Синф 6 кишидан икки гуруҳга бўлинади: А гуруҳ ва В гуруҳ. Иккала гуруҳдан қолган 5 нафар ўқувчига кўрсатмалар бериб турувчи бошловчилар (ёки суръаткашлар) тайинланади. Бошловчининг вазифаси суръаткаш ролини бажариб, қолган ўқувчиларни суратга тушишга тайёрлаш. Бунда бошловчи ўз қўлида А гуруҳ учун мўлжалланган карточкани олган ҳолда ушбу суръатда тасвирланганидек ўқувчиларни жойлаштиради.

Ўқувчиларни кўрсатмалари билан суръатдагидек қилиб жойлаштирган суръаткаш гуруҳи ғолиб бўлади.


Ажратилган вақт: 10 дақ. 


Group A Photo


Group B Photo


Groupwork Activities

Lesson Plans, Games and Activities


1. Sentence Races, Read and Run style: In teams, students send one person at a time to look at pictures shown by the teacher or dispersed around the classroom. The student reports what he saw, and as a group, students try to complete a sentence about that picture. The teacher can check each sentence before the group can move on to the next picture, or students can self-check with an answer sheet they receive upon completing their sentences.


2. Song response: In groups, students listen to a song and brainstorm about ways to describe the song. It could be as simple as an adjective brainstorm, or a writing activity based on the following prompts: “This song makes me…” or “I like this song because…”


3. Song ordering: Students put scrambled lyrics in order as they listen to a song. Or try this variation: students listen to the song and fill in gaps on a lyrics sheet, checking with their group for answers before getting the correct answer from the teacher. It can be helpful to include a “hints box” for filling in the blanks.


Pairwork Activities

Lesson Plans, Games and Activities

Warm-up Activities


1.     Renso: In rows, students write word associations on the board, taking turns to write one after another. For example, [whiteàsnowàChristmasàpresentàmom] The row with the most correctly spelled words at the end is the winner. I give the groups a starting letter by writing a word with six different letters across the board (one letter for each group to start with) so that they don’t copy each other as much.


2.     Shiritori: In rows, students write words that start with the last letter of the previous word on the board. For example, [birdàdogàgreenànew]  For the older students, I make rules such as “no three letter words,” or “no four letter words” to challenge them further.


3.     The Message Race: The last student in the row is given a sentence which he has 20 seconds to memorize. At the teachers cue, the student repeats the memorized sentence to the person in front of him, who then repeats it to the student in front of her. The person at the front of the row then writes the sentence she heard on the board. The first row finished correctly is the winner.


4.     Sentence Race: The teacher reads a sentence that the students will write on the board as a team—one student, one word at a time. The first row finished correctly wins.


5.     Scattegories: In pairs or groups, students race to think of one word for each category before the time runs out. All words must start with a letter designated by the teacher. Categories could be nouns, verbs, animals, drinks, places, etc. Sometimes I make points more difficult to earn. For example, a team only scores a point if no other team has the same word.


6.     Yes Game: Students form questions for the ALT, JTE, or another student using a given grammar point, such as “Have you ever~?” or “Do you like~?” If the questioned person says “Yes,” the questioning team gets a point. The goal is to collect the most points in a set amount of time. 

Х.Уразбаев. Инглиз тилида "Саёҳат" викторинаси сценарийси

ICT for English teachers
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Мақсад: “Саёҳат” мавзусида ўзлаштирилган лексик материални амалда фаоллаштириш, диалогик нутқ кўникмаларини машқ қилиш, грамматик кўникмаларни мустаҳкамлаш.

Жиҳозлар: “Карусел” ўйини учун кубик ва иккита картон айлана, копток, викторина ғолиблари учун медаллар.


Тадбирнинг бориши


I. Ташкилий қисм

— Good morning, my dear friends. How are you?

— What date is it today?

— Are you ready to start our work?

— I'm glad to hear that you are ready. Let's start our lesson. Today we shall play, recite the poems and ask and answer different questions.


Ўқитувчи ўқувчилар билан саломлашади ва викторина ўтказилишини маълум қилади. Дарс давомида ўқувчилар турли мусобоқаларда иштирок этишади ва тўғри бажарилган топшириқлар учун жетонлар олишади. Ўқитувчи барча ўқувчиларга мусобоқаларда иштирок этиш имкониятини яратиб бериши муҳимдир. Дарс сўнгида жетонлар ҳисобланади ва энг кўп жетонлар олган ўқувчилар ғолиб деб эълон қилинади.


Lesson Plans, Games and Activities

Materials: Magazines or catalogs

Dynamic: Small groups

Time: 15 minutes


1. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group several catalogs or magazines. (You may want to ask each student the previous day to bring in a magazine or catalog.)2. Have each group make ten sentences, using a form of to be or to have.


Examples: The man has a hat. The man is tall.3. Have the groups read their sentences aloud while showing the class the pictures the sentences describe.


Variation: To make it a competition, the first group that shows you 20 correct sentences wins. For a higher group, you may want to assign more sentences.

BALL TOSS (Frequency adverbs)

Lesson Plans, Games and Activities

Materials: Any soft ball or beanbag

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 10 minutes


1. Arrange students in a circle, either standing or at their desks. 

2. Ask a question using a frequency adverb, and toss the ball to a student.


Do you always eat breakfast before coming to class? How often do you wear jeans to class?

3. The student who catches the ball must answer, using a frequency adverb in a complete sentence. The same student then asks a question with a frequency adverb and tosses the ball to a classmate.


Lesson Plans, Games and Activities

Materials: None

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 10 minutes




1. Choose a category, such as famous people, occupations, food, or animals. Choose one student to answer questions from the rest of the class. Show the student a piece of paper with a word telling what he or she is (an object or person in the category). This student sits in front of the class and may answer only yes or no to any question.

2. The class may ask a total of 20 yes/no questions to discover the “identity” of the student in front of the class (the word on the paper the student was shown). If they guess the student’s identity before or by the 20th question, the class wins. If the class does not guess correctly, the student wins. (Although this is based on the popular Twenty Questions game, you may want to vary the number of questions the class can ask. Be sure to make the number clear before the game begins.)


To make the game more challenging, especially at the higher levels, omit step 1 so that the students use up some of their questions determining the category.

Bolt to the End

Lesson Plans, Games and Activities

Age Range: 9 to 12

Skills Used: factual knowledge, strategic thinking

Number of Players: 5 to 13

Noise Level: moderate to high

Activity Level: moderate

Materials: question-and-answer cards, stopwatch, threaded metal rods (2 feet each), thirty bolts, paint 



The starting end of the threaded metal rods should be painted in a distinctive color to distinguish it from the finishing end, and the bolts should be checked to make sure they fit the rods and spin freely. Question-and-answer cards should be prepared and given to the game director. Any single subject area or a combination of factual information can be used for the questions.For example: What is 7X8? (56); What is the capital of Wisconsin? (Madison); Who invented the lightbulb? (Thomas Edison); Spell the word research; What is the English translation for the Spanish word gato? (cat).


How to Play

This game is played in three parts. While all three parts can be played in one session, the final two parts would be fun to save for a culminating activity to a larger unit or enjoyed on a Friday afternoon. The event is something players will look forward to doing.

“Bolt to the End” is best played in teams of at least two players with an additional person designated as a game director. There can be as few as two teams or as many as four, if desired. For Part One of the game, each team determines an order of play within their group, similar to a batting order. Using a set of question-and-answer cards, the game director poses a question to the first player of the fi rst team, then moves to the fi rst player of the second team, and so on. Whenever a player answers correctly, that team keeps the card and scores one point. If the answer is incorrect, the card is placed back in the stack. Part Three uses a two-foot-long threaded rod and nuts that spin easily on it. The challenge is to move the metal nuts the entire length of the rod as quickly as possible. The team with the fewest bolts begins by placing all their bolts onto the rod. The bolts should be tight together and even with the starting end, which has been painted a distinctive color. The game director controls the stopwatch

saying “Go” and “Stop” for whatever amount of time the team “bought” with their points from Part One. The teams work to move their bolts from the starting end of the rod all the way off the other end in the amount of time chosen. The fi nal score is one point for each bolt all the way off the rod, with a fi ve-point bonus for getting all the bolts off within the time limit.The team with the next most bolts then takes up the challenge and so on. The team with the highest number of points from the bolt race is the ultimate winner. Teams continue to answer questions until all

the cards have been used or each team has had at least 10 turns. This part of the game ends with each team having a certain number of points.In Part Two of the game, the team members decide how to “spend” their points. Points are exchanged for bolts and time limits. Each point can be exchanged for one bolt or 15 seconds of time. All teams must buy at least 15 seconds in order to participate in Part Three, but the fi nal decision about exactly how many seconds and how many bolts to choose is a strategic decision. Exchange decisions should be done secretly. Teams will not know what their opponents have chosen until Part Three of the game.

Textbook Development Conference led by Rod Bolitho at Uzbek State University of World Languages

Textbooks and materials in English Language Teaching

       Interesting and fruitful conference and workshop was held at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages today on March 13, 2013. The topic of the conference was «Textbook Develeopment» The aims of the conference were to review progress on materials being developed for young learners classes; to evaluate a selection of existing textbooks in order to understand key issues related to choice, adaptation, supplementation and design; to raise participants' awareness of the essential links between standards, curriculum, syllabus, methodology, assessment and teacher training.

         The conference was led by one of the greatest methodologists and ELT professional, academic director of Norwich Institute for Language Education Rod Bolitho. Workshop activities conducted by him gave participants to have an idea about the importance of coursebooks in ELT, issues and requirements of designing coursebooks, and reflect on the objectives set before the conference. Listening to Rod Bolitho's lecture is a real pleasure and the way he explains and presents materials are worth praising. We, participants had a chance to be acquainted with the up-to-date requirements of textbook designing, become aware of reflection of methods of ELT, authors' learning styles in textbooks, and had an opportunity to compare textbooks of former Soviet ELT methodology and present day approaches to teaching English. Mr. Bolitho also shared his own experience of creating coursebooks with the participants.


Textbook Development Conference led by Rod Bolitho at Uzbek State University of World Languages

ICT for English teachers
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       Interesting and fruitful conference and workshop was held at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages today on March 13, 2013. The topic of the conference was «Textbook Develeopment» The aims of the conference were to review progress on materials being developed for young learners classes; to evaluate a selection of existing textbooks in order to understand key issues related to choice, adaptation, supplementation and design; to raise participants' awareness of the essential links between standards, curriculum, syllabus, methodology, assessment and teacher training.

         The conference was led by one of the greatest methodologists and ELT professional, academic director of Norwich Institute for Language Education Rod Bolitho. Workshop activities conducted by him gave participants to have an idea about the importance of coursebooks in ELT, issues and requirements of designing coursebooks, and reflect on the objectives set before the conference. Listening to Rod Bolitho's lecture is a real pleasure and the way he explains and presents materials are worth praising. We, participants had a chance to be acquainted with the up-to-date requirements of textbook designing, become aware of reflection of methods of ELT, authors' learning styles in textbooks, and had an opportunity to compare textbooks of former Soviet ELT methodology and present day approaches to teaching English. Mr. Bolitho also shared his own experience of creating coursebooks with the participants.

Master Class on ICT in Teaching English Held at Gulistan State University

ICT for English teachers
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Master class on ICT in teaching English was held at Gulistan State University on March 12, 2013. Teachers of English language from «English Language and Literature» department and «Foreign Languages» department participated in the event. Topic of the master class was creating an account on ID.UZ system and using educational portals as www.ziyonet.uz, www.utube.uz, www.fikr.uz and other relevant sites. Participants were also introduced with the opportunities provided by the sites of British Council as www.teachingenglish.org.uk, www.britishcouncil.org and others. Participants also practised how to create an account in www.teachingenglish.org.uk and how to create blog entries, download lesson plans and worksheets from the site. They also practised downloading and uploading video materials to www.utube.uz and how to add materials to Library section of www.ziyonet.uz. The next master class is planned to be held for the 4th year students, the future teachers of English, of English Language and Literature Department of the university. Below we are giving the list of participants of the master class: 


Seminar Trainings on ICT Started at Syrdarya In-Service Teacher Training Institute

ICT for English teachers
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Seminar Trainings on ICT Started at Syrdarya In-Service Teacher Training Institute on 11 March, 2013. More than 20 teachers of public schools from various districts are participating in teacher training course. Today the participants created an account and email box in www.inbox.uz. The training courses on ICT will be held along with the English language teaching methodology sessions. The next session will be devoted to creating an account on ID.UZ identification system and using materials of such educational web sites as www.ziyonet.uz, www.utube.uz, www.fikr.uz and others. Participants of sessions will learn how to upload and download materials from above mentioned sites, using the materials of www.britishcouncil.org, www.teachingenglish.org.uk and other relevant sites.Successful participants of trainings will be awarded with certificates. Below we are giving the list of participants of seminar-trainings:



Useful Sites for Checking Your Level of English According to CEFR

Блог им. adminurazbaev

These sites contain online tests for checking your level of English according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). You can also find useful advices on how to prepare for level tests and find links to materials on preparation for tests. Clear explanation of every level is given before starting a test.

Notice: These tests do not check your listening, writing, and speaking skills. 

1. www.examenglish.com

2. www.languagelevel.com

Майда тиллар яшаб кета оладими? Ёки глобализация миллий маданиятга қарши.

ICT for English teachers
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 Глобаллашув жараёнида жадал суратлар билан бораётган иқтисодий муносабатлар ва ахборот алмашинуви дунё бўйлаб тарқалган турли миллат ва элатлар маданиятларини ўзгартириб юборган ҳолда, инсонлар сўзлашувчи тилларнинг сонини ҳам қисқартириб бормоқда.

  Сўнгги 500 йил мобайнида мустақил миллий давлатларнинг шаклланиши ва марказлашуви туфайли маҳаллий лаҳжалар ва майда тиллар ушбу давлатларнинг бошқарувчи партиялари расмий тил сифатида белгилаган тиллари таъсирида йўқолиб кетишга маҳкум бўлмоқда. Йиллар мобайнида Корн тили Инглиз тилига, Бретон тили Француз тилига, Бавар тили Юқори Немис тилига ва Фу-жин-ва тили Кантон тилига ўрин бўшатиб берди.  Тилшунослар жаҳонда тарқалган майда тиллар Инглиз тили сингари анчайин доминант ҳисобланган тиллар таъсири остида йўқолиб бораяпти деган фикрга якдиллик билан қўшилишади. 

Инглиз тилида "Оила" мавзусидаги синфдан ташқари тадбир сценарийси

ICT for English teachers
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Мақсад: “Оила” мавзуси бўйича ўзлаштирилган материални мустаҳкамлаш, грамматик ва фонетик кўникмаларни машқ қилиш, тинглаб тушуниш малакасини ривожлантириш.


Жиҳозлар: оила аъзолари расмлари, ўқувчиларнинг оила аъзолари расмлари, топшириқлар берилган карточкалар (транскрипцияда берилган сўзлар), синфни безаш учун пуфаклар.


Тадбирнинг бориши

— Hello, boys and girls! (Hello!)

— How are you today? (I am fine, thanks. And how are you?)

— I am fine, thanks. I want to know how the members of your family are.


Ўқитувчи болаларни қутлайди ва қўшиқни куйлаган ҳолда алоҳида ўқувчиларга саволлар беради.


— How is your mother? (She is fine, thanks.)

— How is your father? (He is fine, thanks.)

— How is your sister? (She is fine, thanks.)

— How is your brother? (He is fine, thanks.)

Сценарий игры на тему: Местоимения. Мы моем руки. (We Wash Our Hands)

ICT for English teachers
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We Wash Our Hands


1. Моемруки(We wash our hands)

Цель игры:

Помочь детям запомнить притяжательные местоимения с соответствующими личными местоимениями.

Реквизит для игры:

Картинка с изображением кошки.

Ход игры:

Дети встают в две шеренги друг напротив друга, а немного в стороне стоят ученик и ученица. Учитель присоединяется к одной из шеренг. Он говорит и просит детей повторять за ним слова и жесты:

I wash my hands (показывает). You wash your hands (показывает на ребенка, стоящего напротив него и просит показать, что тот моет руки). We wash our hands (жестом призывает всех детей, стоящих с ним в одной шеренге, показать, чтоони моют руки).Уои wash your hands (то же делают стоящие напротив). Не washes his hands (указывает на отдельно стоящего ученика и тот изображает, что моет руки). She washes her hands (указывает на ученицу). They wash their hands (указывает на ученика и ученицу вместе). It washes its paws (указывает на кошку). Затем дети по очереди проделывают все сами.

Продолжительность игры: 3-5 мин.

Инглиз тилида Янги Йил байрамига бағишланган синфдан ташқари тадбир сценарийси

ICT for English teachers
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The New YearEve


Мақсад: “Байрамлар” мавзуси бўйича ўзлаштирилган материалларни умумлаштириш; фонетик ва лексик малакаларни бойитиш, тили ўрганилаётган мамлакат маданияти ва урф-одатларига бўлган қизиқишни кучайтириш.

Керакли жиҳозлар: “Янги Йил” ва “Рождество” мавзуларига оид расмлар; хона безаги учун қор парчалари, “Сўзни топ” ва “Мантиқий занжирни давом эттир” ўйинлари учун топшириқлар ёзилган карточкалар, Қиш ва қиш ойлари учун костюмлар; 60 та қор парчалари, пахтадан тайёрланган қор.

Тадбирнинг бориши

Бошловчи. Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start our party? Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about winter, Christmas and New Year!